Here at The Bridge we believe God has called us to have congregational membership. While membership isn't required or pushed on anyone, if you are interested in becoming a member, we offer a 4-session membership class every quarter. If you have any questions about our approach to membership, please feel free to talk to Pastor Mark and Judy, or one of our council members.
Mishpacha means family. And a faith community, at its core, should be a type of family.
Membership is one of the most powerful ways that you will be able to plug into and invest in The Bridge. Becoming a member says that you throw your lot in with us, joining with us in our mission and vision, and standing alongside us in faith. That you're part of this family.
Committing yourself to a local congregation is a big step. We take that commitment seriously and want you to feel comfortable in that process. We believe that it is valuable and biblical to belong to and be invested in a specific local body of believers.
What does it mean to be a "member" of The Bridge?
A member is a vital part of a whole unit. In Scripture, we see that believers are referred to as the “body of Messiah.” But we also see that while there is the large body of Messiah, comprised of His disciples all over the world, there were also smaller bodies in cities all over the known world at that time. Each smaller body had leadership and structure enabling growth, accountability, etc.
By becoming a member of The Bridge, you are saying that you are committing to our community: choosing to build relationships here, investing in our shared future, and putting yourself in accountability as a member of our community.
Members share the responsibility of caring for our congregation, because we embrace it as our own. We attend faithfully so that we can know and care for each other. We pray for each other. We serve each other within the context of community life and on a personal level. We invest in the community with our time and finances.
As a member, you also have the ability to vote on business affairs, such as financial council members and large purchases (real estate, etc.). You have first consideration in benevolence funds. You are also eligible to serve our congregation in positions of leadership, including on our financial council.
How do I become a member of The Bridge?
If you are interested in becoming a member, you will need to attend our 4-week membership class which is available every quarter. At the end of the class, you will have the opportunity to fill out a membership form, which includes agreeing with our Statement of Faith and stating your desire to be a member of The Bridge and committing to support and invest in our congregation with your time, talents, and treasures. We also require that you attend for 3-6 months before becoming a member. Only those who have accepted salvation through Messiah Yeshua are eligible for membership.
What does membership at The Bridge look like?
As a member of The Bridge, you will be an integral part of a young, growing Messianic community. A congregation is a special place because it nurtures three things that believers in Messiah – Jewish and Gentile – have sought for themselves and their families, three things that infuse life with a sense of meaning and fulfillment: worship, growth, and community. As a member of The Bridge, we will always encourage you in those three areas. We will encourage you to worship HaShem and grow closer in your walk with Him. We will encourage you to grow as a believer in maturity and faith. And we will encourage you to become connected to community.
What we will not do is micromanage your faith. We won't tell you what level of kosher you should keep or what is permitted on Shabbat. We will not criticize you for your journey or where you are on it. We do not use guilt to coerce.
We believe that membership in your faith community should feel like the natural next step once you get settled in. And it should be a safe step, one you are excited about to take. If you have any questions or concerns about membership, we encourage you to talk personally with someone in our leadership.
Is congregational membership a biblical principle?
You may already realize that congregational membership is not explicitly mentioned in Scripture. For some, this gives them pause and causes them to reconsider membership. And taking pause to truly understand any major decision you make is a good thing - it shows wisdom and maturity.
We strongly believe that while congregational membership isn't explicitly discussed in Scripture, it is very strongly alluded to. There are many times throughout the epistles that congregational matters are discussed and handled in a way that necessitates formal membership. There are truths and responsibilities that would be minimized or denied without definable local membership to a body of believers.
We talk about this topic in depth in our first membership class, so we encourage you to attend if you'd like to learn more about our perspective on this issue.