We know that everyone who finds our congregation’s website is on a journey and looking for biblical truth. We also know that the internet can be a messy place, full of information that is misleading, misguided, or just plain false. We are working to build a resources page here for places that you can find solid, biblical truth that isn’t inflammatory and is aligned with our beliefs here at The Bridge. This page will be consistently-evolving as we add resources that we have vetted. Below are some resources that we have found to be solid and helpful. (Please note, we have not listened to every single teaching from all of these sources, and may not agree with everything every person says. If you ever have questions about what we believe, please feel free to ask us personally!)
Other Messianic Congregations
We recommend your online learning come primarily from teachers that lead people in real life. These teachers are held accountable to lead by example and are successfully leading congregations. We are personally-affiliated with the MJAA and also have good relationships with those in the UMJC. Some rabbis we enjoy listening to from other congregations include:
- Rabbi Hylan Slobodkin, Beit Tikvah (Bellevue, WA)
- Rabbi Matt Rosenburg, Restoration (Seattle, WA)
- Rabbi Joshua Brumbach, Simchat Yisrael (West Haven, CT)
- Rabbi Dr. Jake Rosenburg, Adat HaTikvah (Chicago, IL)
- Rabbi Dr. Joel Liberman, Tree of Life (La Mesa, CA)
- Rabbi Tim Hyslip, Congregation Baruch HaShem (Phoenix, AZ)
Podcasts – Video & Audio
When listening to teachers on podcasts/video channels, it is extra important to vet them, as many of them have no one holding them accountable in real life. Many “YouTube teachers” make a living by creating content to get clicks/views. While this is sometimes fine, it lends itself the inflammatory and provocative. Some podcasters that we enjoy listening to are:
- A Jew and a Gentile Discuss: Spotify | YouTube (Ezra Benjamin and Carly Berna, both VPs at Jewish Voice Ministries)
- Messian[t]ics: Spotify | YouTube (Conversations between 4 Messianic Rabbis, Jew & Gentile)
- Two Messianic Jews: Spotify | YouTube (Conversations between 2 Messianic Jewish graduate students)
- Jewish Voice Ministries: Spotify | YouTube (One of the largest MJ evangelical organizations in the world)
Worship Music
Here at The Bridge, we use worship music from a variety of sources, both Messianic and mainstream Christian. Our worship director, Judy Rich, does her best to vet each song we do to ensure that it is biblically-accurate and focused on the Lord. We have been asked several times for a list, of sorts, of the songs that we sing on Shabbat and other gatherings, and so we have put together a playlist here. Please note, this list is constantly evolving as we add or remove songs, so if there’s a song you especially like, make sure to save it!