Yeshua – The Word Made Flesh

Here at The Bridge, we unabashedly teach the full deity of Yeshua the Messiah.

In 2018, a fringe (but growing) idea in the “messianic” world hit our congregation. This idea is that Yeshua was created by God, to be the messiah, but is not in essence, God. This idea takes a few different forms depending on what teacher is teaching it, but at its core it always demotes Yeshua from fully-God to something slightly less.

As a response, Mark studied this subject in detail and taught a four-week series on the deity of Yeshua, from Genesis to Revelation. If you are unsure about your views of the nature of Yeshua, or would like to be better able to defend your faith in Yeshua as the Word made flesh, we highly recommend this article series which is based on the sermon series given in 2018.

Is God an Absolute Singularity? The Nature of God | The Word Made Flesh, part 1 of 4

Is God the Messiah? Looking at Messianic Prophecy | The Word Made Flesh, part 2 of 4

Is Yeshua God? Looking at the Logos | The Word Made Flesh, part 3 of 4

Who Do You Say I Am? Looking at the Epistles | The Word Made Flesh, part 4 of 4