“… And you haven’t delivered Your people at all!”
-Moses (Ex. 5:22-23)
“Pay no attention to lying words…”
-Pharaoh (Exodus 5:9)
At this point Moses seems to be very discouraged. Based on his past experience, he’s already told G-d that the Israelites wouldn’t accept him. Now he’s just been rejected, not only by Pharaoh, but also by the Israelite leadership.
“The L-RD look on you and judge!”, they said to him.
So, maybe Moses thinks to himself “I knew it! I just knew this would happen. Pharaoh’s rejected me and my own people have rejected me.”
So much for delivering Israel.
Discouraged, Moses turns to G-d and utters something unbelievable, yet, at the same time, so familiar to us.
“O L-RD, why have You done evil to this people? Why did You ever send me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all.”
In other words, Moses leads by questioning G-d and with “G-d, You lied!”
“Just like Pharaoh said. I knew it wouldn’t work out and see? I was right! Why did You even send me? You said You would deliver Your people, but You lied.”
Have you ever called G-d a liar? Have you ever questioned His word or His means when things are less than promising or even painful? I know I have.
I think it’s important for us to realize that, while Moses was Israel’s greatest prophet and deliverer before Yeshua came, he wasn’t born as the man he would one day become.
Moses went through a process. G-d used events and experiences in his life to mold and shape him into just who G-d had designed him to be.
If you’re discouraged because you think G-d has abandoned you or you think He lied to you, take heart. G-d is still faithful and He’s still molding and shaping you into who He wants you to be.
And He never breaks His promise, even if things happen differently than we imagined they would.